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Modern Comprehensive Coaching for Unicorns

In the ever-evolving landscape of startups and innovation, the journey to becoming a unicorn—a privately-held startup valued at over $1 billion—is as thrilling as it is challenging. To achieve such monumental success, founders must navigate a complex terrain of desires, dreams, and strategic actions. Modern Comprehensive Coaching, a pioneering approach introduced by Saurabh Kaushik, offers a structured pathway for these future unicorns to realize their ambitions. This article explores how Modern Comprehensive Coaching aligns with the stages of a unicorn founder’s journey, providing a holistic framework for mastering their entrepreneurial dreams.

Modern Comprehensive Coaching for Unicorns
Modern Comprehensive Coaching for Unicorns

The Pathway to Unicorn Status: How Modern Comprehensive Coaching For Unicorns Fits In

1. The Ring of Desire: Igniting the Spark

Every successful unicorn founder begins with a burning desire. This fundamental drive is essential for fueling their journey and pushing through the initial hurdles. In the realm of Modern Comprehensive Coaching, the Ring of Desire represents the Root Chakra, focusing on establishing a solid foundation. This stage involves:

  • Identifying Passion: Understanding the core passion that drives them.

  • Building Motivation: Developing strategies to keep their desire burning bright.

  • Creating Vision: Setting ambitious yet achievable goals.

For instance, consider a founder who envisions revolutionizing the renewable energy sector. Their initial desire is to create sustainable solutions for a better future. This desire serves as the fuel that propels them toward their goals.

2. The Ring of Vision: Dreaming Big

With a clear desire, founders transition to the Ring of Vision, aligned with the Sacral Chakra. This stage is about dreaming big and formulating a compelling vision. Key aspects include:

  • Envisioning Impact: Crafting a visionary idea that addresses a significant problem.

  • Strategic Planning: Outlining a roadmap to transform the vision into reality.

  • Validation: Seeking feedback and validation from mentors and industry experts.

A prime example is a tech entrepreneur dreaming of developing an AI-driven healthcare solution. At this stage, they envision how their technology can transform patient care and engage with potential users to refine their concept.

3. The Ring of Strategy: Crafting a Clear Direction

The Ring of Strategy, corresponding to the Solar Plexus Chakra, emphasizes creating a clear direction and actionable plans. This involves:

  • Developing Actionable Plans: Formulating detailed business strategies and models.

  • Product Development: Engaging in product beta testing and market research.

  • Setting Benchmarks: Establishing key performance indicators and milestones.

For our AI healthcare founder, this means developing a prototype, conducting rigorous testing, and establishing benchmarks to measure success. The strategy phase ensures that their dream is translated into a feasible plan.

4. The Ring of Mastery: Perfecting the Concept

Mastery aligns with the Heart Chakra and focuses on refining and perfecting the concept. This stage includes:

  • Continuous Improvement: Iterating on feedback to enhance the product.

  • Customer Engagement: Building strong relationships with early adopters and refining the value proposition.

  • Achieving Excellence: Striving for high standards and continuous development.

The AI healthcare solution founder will continually refine their product based on user feedback and industry trends, striving for excellence in every aspect of their offering.

5. The Ring of Influence: Inspiring and Leading

The Ring of Influence, related to the Throat Chakra, highlights the importance of leadership and communication. Founders must:

  • Build Influence: Leverage their vision to inspire and influence others.

  • Effective Communication: Share their journey and mission compellingly.

  • Leadership Development: Cultivate leadership skills to guide their team.

In our example, the founder must effectively communicate their vision to investors, customers, and partners, building a strong network and inspiring others to support their mission.

6. The Ring of Resilience: Overcoming Challenges

Resilience aligns with the Third Eye Chakra and is crucial for overcoming obstacles. This stage involves:

  • Facing Criticism: Handling public and internal criticism constructively.

  • Adaptability: Being flexible and adapting strategies based on challenges.

  • Perseverance: Maintaining focus and determination despite setbacks.

The AI healthcare founder will face numerous challenges, from technical issues to market skepticism. Resilience helps them navigate these difficulties and stay committed to their goals.

7. The Ring of Fulfillment: Realizing the Vision

Finally, the Ring of Fulfillment, corresponding to the Crown Chakra, signifies the realization of the founder's vision. This stage includes:

  • Celebrating Achievements: Recognizing and celebrating milestones and successes.

  • Impact Assessment: Evaluating the positive impact of their work on society.

  • Continued Growth: Committing to ongoing personal and professional development.

When the AI healthcare solution successfully launches and makes a meaningful impact on patient care, the founder experiences a deep sense of fulfillment, knowing their vision has come to fruition and contributed positively to society.

Modern Comprehensive Coaching for Unicorns
Modern Comprehensive Coaching for Unicorns

The Impact of Modern Comprehensive Coaching for Future Unicorns

Modern Comprehensive Coaching offers future unicorns a structured approach to navigating their entrepreneurial journey. By addressing each of the Seven Rings, founders can:

  • Align Their Vision: Ensure that their desires and dreams are aligned with actionable strategies and goals.

  • Enhance Performance: Continuously refine their product and approach based on feedback and performance metrics.

  • Build Resilience: Develop the mental and emotional strength needed to overcome obstacles.

  • Achieve Fulfillment: Realize their vision and make a lasting impact on their industry and society.


Modern Comprehensive Coaching, as pioneered by Saurabh Kaushik, provides an innovative framework for future unicorns to achieve extraordinary success. By integrating ancient wisdom with modern techniques, this coaching model offers a comprehensive approach to personal and professional development. The Seven Rings model provides a structured pathway for founders to navigate their journey, from igniting desire to achieving fulfillment. For aspiring unicorns, this holistic approach is a powerful tool for mastering their entrepreneurial dreams and making a lasting impact.


1. What is Modern Comprehensive Coaching?

Modern Comprehensive Coaching is a holistic framework developed by Saurabh Kaushik that integrates ancient wisdom with modern techniques. It addresses all aspects of personal and professional development, providing a comprehensive approach to achieving peak performance.

2. Who is known as the Father of Modern Comprehensive Coaching?

Saurabh Kaushik is the Father of Modern Comprehensive Coaching. He is known for pioneering this innovative coaching model that combines ancient wisdom with contemporary practices to provide a holistic approach to personal and professional growth.

3. How does Modern Comprehensive Coaching benefit future unicorn founders?

Modern Comprehensive Coaching benefits future unicorn founders by providing a structured pathway through the Seven Rings model. It helps align their vision, enhance performance, build resilience, and achieve fulfillment, offering a comprehensive approach to navigating their entrepreneurial journey.

4. What are the Seven Rings in Modern Comprehensive Coaching?

The Seven Rings in Modern Comprehensive Coaching are Desire, Vision, Strategy, Mastery, Influence, Resilience, and Fulfillment. Each ring corresponds to a specific chakra and represents a crucial element of achieving peak performance and personal satisfaction.

5. How does Modern Comprehensive Coaching integrate ancient wisdom with modern techniques?

Modern Comprehensive Coaching integrates ancient wisdom by incorporating principles from ancient Indian traditions, such as chakras, with contemporary scientific understanding. This combination provides a holistic perspective on human behavior and performance, resulting in more effective coaching outcomes.


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